Tag: paleo

Pepperoni, Basil, and Goat Cheese Frittata
Breakfast, Main Dishes, Recipes

Pepperoni, Basil and Goat Cheese Frittata

I’m pretty convinced that part of my purpose in life is to create healthy vehicles for pizza. Here’s my philosophy. Healthy people are pretty happy, and pizza makes people really happy. So healthy pizza is happiness fuel. Thus, why I created Pizza Chicken, Baked Margherita Pizza Eggs and Zucchini Pizza Casserole. The only question is, […]

Paleo Pumpkin Pancake Muffins
Bread, Breakfast, Recipes, Treats

Paleo Pumpkin Spice Pancake Muffins

‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice. That also means it’s the season for end-of-year craziness and seemingly fewer and fewer hours to get things done. Who has time to make breakfast or a pumpkin-spiced treat? You do. Thanks to the existence of these Paleo Pumpkin Spice Pancake Muffins. Like my Paleo Lemon Poppyseed Pancake Muffins and Peanut Butter and […]

Peanut Butter and Banana Paleo Pancake Doughnuts
Bread, Breakfast, Recipes, Treats

Peanut Butter and Banana Paleo Pancake Doughnuts

Peanut butter. Banana. Chocolate chips. Now that I have your attention, let me add that these tasty Peanut Butter and Banana Paleo Pancake Doughnuts are also grain- and gluten-free, refined sugar-free, dairy free, and ridiculously easy to make (they use Birch Benders Paleo Pancake Mix instead of regular flour). Yeah, I’m pretty sold on these […]

gluten-free disneyland food round-up
Life, Restaurants

Edited Restaurants: Gluten-Free Disneyland Round-Up

As a bit of a departure from my typical recipes and organization beat, I want to talk about something serious, something important, and something essential to your health: What to eat at Disneyland if you’re gluten-free. All kidding aside, eating out and finding healthy options wherever you go is a huge part of an “edited” […]

grain-free zucchini pizza casserole
Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegetables

Grain-Free Zucchini Pizza Casserole

If you can believe it, I was inspired to make this Grain-Free Zucchini Pizza Casserole on a national holiday. National Pizza Day, to be exact. All “recently invented” food holidays aside, I LOVE creating healthy spins on pizza. And I really think it deserves it’s own category on the Edited Kitchen at this point. I’ve […]

easy goat cheese spinach-artichoke dip
Recipes, Side Dishes, Snacks, Vegetables

Easy Goat Cheese Spinach-Artichoke Dip

Roughly 50% of my diet in college was made up of spinach-artichoke dip. Seriously. And it usually came from chain restaurants that likely didn’t serve spinach in any other form on the menu. But I digress. I still adore spinach-artichoke dip, but I’m convinced that eating a homemade, dairy-friendly (goat cheese instead of conventional dairy) […]